Beacon Press: Before Gender
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Before Gender

Lost Stories from Trans History, 1850-1950

Author: Eli Erlick

Explore the trailblazing lives of 30 trans people who radically change everything you’ve been told about transgender history

Highlighting influential individuals from 1850–1950 who are all but unknown today, Eli Erlick shares 30 remarkable stories from romance to rebellion and mystery to murder. These narratives chronicle the grit, joy, and survival of trans people long before gender became an everyday term.

Organized into 4 parts paralleling today’s controversies over gender identity (kids, activists, workers, and athletes), Before Gender introduces figures whose forgotten stories transform the discussion:

  • Mark and David Ferrow, 2 of the first trans teens to access gender-affirming medical treatment following overwhelming support from their friends, family, and neighbors
  • Gerda von Zobeltitz, a trans countess who instigated an LGBTQ+ riot 40 years before Stonewall
  • Frank Williams, a young trans man who was fired from over a dozen jobs for his gender
  • Frances Anderson, the world’s greatest female billiards player of the 1910s

Bold and visionary, Erlick’s debut uncovers these lost stories from the depths of the archives to narrate trans lives in a way that has never been attempted before.
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“Brilliant . . . [A]n essential and eye-opening paradigm shift.”
Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

“Erlick powerfully—and compellingly—argues that it’s not the existence of transgender people that’s new; what’s new is the anxiety around them.”
Library Journal

“I’ve been researching transgender history for a long time, and many of these stories are new to me. What an eye-opening read, crisply written, on such a timely topic.”
—Susan Stryker, author of Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution

“With this tour de force history of thirty trans people from 1850 to 1950, Eli Erlick shows us a whole new side to trans narratives that both informs and entertains.”
—Riki Wilchins, author of Queer Theory/Gender Theory

“We are so lucky to have a gifted storyteller unearth these lost tales of our trans and nonbinary forebears, and weave them all together into this heartwarming, uplifting book. Before Gender shows that history can be both entertaining and impactful while addressing the most pressing issues for trans people today.”
—Kate Bornstein, author of Gender Outlaw

“Not only have trans people always existed; we have always sought ways to live fuller and more authentic lives. Before Gender chronicles trans people from 1850 to 1950 growing up, working, falling in love, getting in trouble, playing sports, and building community as we’ve always done and always will do.”
—Maia Kobabe, author of Gender Queer


The Issues
Pop History
Trans Before Gender
Lessons from Lost Trans History


The Brothers: Mark and David Ferrow
The Outlaw: Effie Smith
The Singer: Masoud El Amaratly
The Shoemaker: Ray Leonard
The Lover: Mabel Stanley
The Girl Bandit: Emma Heinrich
The Horse Thief: Willie Ray


The Freed Woman: Sally-Tom
The Countess: Gerda von Zobeltitz
The Petitioner: Carl Crawford
The Runaway: Mollie Wilson
The Healer: Muksamse’lapli
The Pacifist: Sadie Acosta
The Community Leader: Georgia Black
The Guardian: Okiyo
The Professor: Maude Milbourne


The Maid: Josephine Robinson
The Cobra Woman: Elsie Marks
The Dancer: Albín Pleva
The Florist: John Berger
The Butler: Alfred Grouard
The Craftswoman: Ann Storcy
The Boy-of-All-Work: Frank Williams


The Billiardist: Frances Anderson
The Matador: Agustín Rodríguez
The Pentathlete: Stefan Pekar
The Wrestler: Bill Winters
The Teammates: Léon Caurla and Pierre Brésolles


Before Gender

ISBN: 978-080701735-7
Publication Date: 5/27/2025
Size:6 x 9 Inches (US)
Price:  $28.95
Format: Cloth
Not Yet Published
Will Ship On: May 2025
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