Beacon Press: Learning Environment
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Learning Environment

Inspirational Actions, Approaches, and Stories from the Science Classroom

Author: Jared Fox

“Few people have the writing ability, education expertise, and thoughtfulness to write a book about the state of education. Jared is masterful in the classroom . . . and [his book] will change the landscape of education.”—Dr. Christopher Emdin, New York Times best-selling author of For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood . . . and the Rest of Y’all Too

An award-winning environmental science teacher’s actionable roadmap for educators interested in making the world a classroom, even in the city

Join award-winning New York City educator Dr. Jared Fox in—and out of—his classroom on an excursion that goes beyond books and lectures to reimagine teaching and learning. Through a blend of real-life examples and practical commentary, readers will see how Fox created localized learning opportunities for his students out of canoeing on the Bronx River, hiking in the Catskill Mountains, and other unconventional approaches.

Replete with sample projects, topics, theories, and strategies, Learning Environment offers an actionable vision for reengaging students and reenergizing teachers. The book encourages K–12 STEM educators to build experiential learning into their teaching styles by:

  • designing field trips as fieldwork
  • partnering with local experts
  • implementing localized learning through hands-on application
  • leveraging interdisciplinary instruction

Fox invites teachers to create dynamic, transformative educational opportunities by implementing experiential learning based in their own communities. With Fox’s heartfelt wisdom and practical know-how, readers will be empowered to reconsider and redefine what teaching and learning can and should be.
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Learning Environment

ISBN: 978-080702024-1
Publication Date: 8/26/2025
Size:5.5 x 8.5 Inches (US)
Price:  $26.95
Format: Cloth
Not Yet Published
Will Ship On: August 2025
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