Beacon Press: Neruda and Vallejo
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Neruda and Vallejo

Selected Poems

Translator: Robert Bly

With a new Preface by Robert Bly
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“Chilean Pablo Neruda is Latin America’s greatest poet and one of the finest ever to have written in the Spanish language. The Peruvian poet Cesar Vallejo, part Indian and born in a mining village, ranks not far below Neruda. Robert Bly is one of America’s foremost poets, and a translator of uncommon brilliance. The combination makes for a priceless volume.” -Long Beach Press Telegram

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Neruda and Vallejo

ISBN: 978-080706489-4
Publication Date: 7/1/1993
Pages: 288
Size: x 8 Inches (US)
Price:  $21.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock.