Beacon Press: C. Pierce Salguero
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C. Pierce Salguero

C. Pierce Salguero is a historian of Buddhism and Asian medicine, and a long-time practitioner of several different forms of Asian spirituality. He has a PhD in the history of medicine from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (2010) and teaches Asian history, medicine, and religion at Penn State University’s Abington College, near Philadelphia. He is the author of many books on Buddhism and Asian medicine, including Buddhish: A Guide to the 20 Most Important Buddhist Ideas for the Curious and Skeptical. When he’s not working on a manuscript or teaching a class, you might find him traveling the world with his wife and kids, making huge batches of homemade Sichuan chili sauce or out on his back porch meditating on a cup of Tippy Yunnan. Connect with him online at or on Twitter @piercesalguero.

Author photo: C. Pierce Salguero

C. Pierce Salguero

Books by C. Pierce Salguero

Displaying items 1 - 4 of 4
Price:  $16.95
Format: Paperback
Price:  $20.00
Format: Audio
Price:  $24.95
Format: Cloth
Price:  $28.00
Format: Audio