Beacon Press: Yashica Dutt
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Yashica Dutt

Yashica Dutt is a journalist, an activist, an award-winning writer, and a leading feminist voice on caste. Born “in a formerly untouchable ‘lower’ caste family,” she passed as dominant caste to survive discrimination. Dutt moved to New Delhi at 17 and became one of the most widely-read culture journalists at a leading English language paper. Eventually coming out as Dalit, she introduced this expression which powerfully resonated in India. Her site, Documents of Dalit Discrimination, was among the first highly visible media spaces for caste oppressed people. Dutt’s work has been published in the New York Times, Foreign Policy and the Atlantic, and she has been featured on The BBC, The Guardian, and PBS NewsHour. Dutt lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Author photo: Yashica Dutt

Yashica Dutt

Books by Yashica Dutt

Displaying items 1 - 3 of 3
Price:  $29.95
Format: Cloth
Price:  $28.00
Format: Audio
Price:  $18.95
Format: Paperback