Beacon Press: Heidi Boghosian
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Heidi Boghosian

Heidi Boghosian is a lawyer, an activist, and the author of “I Have Nothing to Hide” and 20 Other Myths About Surveillance and Privacy (Beacon, 2021). She is executive director of the A.J. Muste Foundation for Peace and Justice, a charitable foundation supporting activist organizations. Previously, she was executive director of the National Lawyers Guild, where she oversaw the defense of people targeted by government. She has written numerous articles and reports on policing and activism and co-hosts the civil liberties radio show Law and Disorder alongside fellow attorneys and activists Michael Smith, Marjorie Cohn, Jim Lafferty, and Julie Huriwitz.

Author photo: David Genik

Heidi Boghosian

Books by Heidi Boghosian

Displaying items 1 - 4 of 4
Price:  $17.00
Format: Paperback
Price:  $27.95
Format: Cloth
Price:  $20.00
Format: Audio
Price:  $28.00
Format: Audio