Beacon Press: Breaking Into Print
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Breaking Into Print

Early Stories and Insights into Getting Published

Editor: DeWitt Henry

A collection of famous authors’ first or very early fiction as it appeared in the prizewinning journal Ploughshares, Breaking into Print presents some of the freshest and most satisfying fiction of the past three decades:

“Going After Cacciato” by Tim O’Brien
“Gemcrack” by Jayne Anne Phillips
“Expensive Gifts” by Sue Miller
“Ollie, Oh . . .” by Carolyn Chute
“In the Dark” by Edward P. Jones
“After Rosa Parks” by Janet Desaulniers
“Approximations” by Mona Simpson
“Unicycle” by Howard Norman
“Little White Sister” by Melanie Rae Thon
“Displacement” by David Wong Louie
“Back” by Susan Straight
“Mary in the Mountains” by Christopher Tilghman
“A Wronged Husband” by David Gates
“Proper Library” by Carolyn Ferrell
“The Infinite Passion of Expectation” by Gina Berriault

With invaluable resources for those trying to “break into print” themselves:
- An introduction describing the “discovery” process for new writers
- Headnotes revealing how the authors launched their writing careers
- Lists of websites and links for new writers, including MFA programs and writers’ conferences
- Books about careers in writing
- “Shoptalk” excerpts from literary luminaries, with reflections on the writing life
- Extensive lists of literary magazines and prize anthologies, with advice on submissions
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Breaking Into Print

ISBN: 978-080706235-7
Publication Date: 4/21/2000
Pages: 304
Size: x Inches (US)
Price:  $16.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock.