Beacon Press: Forever for the Culture
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Forever for the Culture

Notes from the New Black Digital Arts Renaissance

Author: Steven Underwood

THE CURATORS OF CULTURE: Celebrate Black digital art in this essay collection revealing how Black artists have shaped everything from TikTok dances to viral memes

Steven Underwood digs into the current Black digital arts movement shaping popular culture for the last decade. He connects this current space to historical influences, speaking to a “legacy of audacity and daring that presented us with the opportunity to redirect the conversations on Blackness back on its center. Back to Black people.” Written as a collection of thought-provoking essays pulling in social commentary, interviews, popular culture, and deep research, Steven taps into a topic that is incredibly relevant, but often unknown.

The nature of the internet is so ephemeral that sometimes we forget when we do something worth celebrating. For Black people particularly, that’s unforgiveable. Digital Black art has become increasingly more outspoken, introspective, and genre-defining. But it’s also vulnerable. Original phrases, tweets, dances, songs etc. are often taken from a Black artist and attributed to a white influencer. Black creators are paid less for their work though their engagement is often higher than their white peers. There is also the added risk of backlash and hate that comes with publicly existing online. As an award-winning writer with a popular online presence, Underswood is no stranger to experiences of Black digital artists. Using his own experiences, he highlights the beauty, vulnerability, and innovation of the Black digital arts movement.

Shining a light on the curators of our culture, Forever for the Culture narratively follows the construction of a new Black art movement and how it has defined its community when the community does not have a physical space.
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Forever for the Culture

ISBN: 978-080701338-0
Publication Date: 1/27/2026
Size:5.5 x 8.5 Inches (US)
Price:  $28.95
Format: Cloth
Not Yet Published
Will Ship On: January 2026
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